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2016-03-18 21:21 新闻网 

    我校材料学院博士生米天健就“微弧等离子体增强电极反应动力学”这一交叉学科在蒋百灵教授指导下开展了系统、深入研究,并取得了一系列突出进展。近期,研究论文“Self-Organization Kinetics of Microarc Oxidation: Nonequilibrium-State Electrode Reaction Kinetics”,被国际电化学领域的领军刊物—— Journal of the electrochemical society(美国电化学会志)接受并发表于第163卷第5期;“Plasma formation mechanism of microarc oxidation”被另一国际一区知名刊物Electrochimica Acta(英国电化学学报)接受并发表于第123卷第20期。Journal of the electrochemical society is currently the first most-cited journal in Materials Science, Coatings & Films(引自JES官网). Electrochimica Acta is the official journal of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE). The ISE was founded in 1949 by leading European and American electrochemists to serve the growing needs of electrochemistry(引自Electrochimica Acta官网).


    该系列文章通过对电流自组织现象的理论剖析并基于细胞矩阵算法,提出了调控电流自组织的表征参量-反馈系数;建立了微弧等离子体参与条件下,电极反应动力学过程数理模型;实现了既可于阀金属(Al,Mg,Ti等)表面制备出陶瓷层、又可对非阀金属(Fe,Cu等)表面进行微细加工的应用技术突破。美国电化学会志技术编辑Gerald Frankel教授对论文评价为:“This is an original approach to studies of the modelling of the micro arc oxidation process and may have a big impact. Particularly, it may be developed in the future into a practical tool for monitoring, assessment and design of adequate MAO process regimes.”


广 而 告 之

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